Friday, January 25, 2008

The Archetypes of Politics

Well, the Repub's have their trinity: McCain (Warrior), Mitt the Twit (Merchant), and Huckabee (Preacher). Quite honestly, I thought Ayn Rand had deconstructed all these ideals in "For the New Intellectual." And, basically, declared them as mythical. Not rational conservatism. But, there ya go.

But, for the Dem's. Is it any different. Yes, a little bit. Now there is the woman (virgin Hillary? Whoops). The Obama black man (Really? How can you be the black man when your genes, historical reality, and primary color is "mocha." More Starbuks than truth.) And, well, John. Such a WASP name. With a house big enough to be declared a site for any small nation of refugees (maybe we can still create Zionism in John's house?"

The two party was one of the greatest fears of the more liberal founders of this country (House of Lords. House of Commmons.)

Anyway, my guess is that we're going to get stuck with the semi-warrior (McCain--he did get shot down. Not very competent) and the semi-feminist (Hillary--the lawyer).

Such is the nature of what we get...

But, vote anyway. There's a new day a' comin.

Then, bitch like hell at whichever of these legacies gets elected. It is the only way that, maybe, we'll get our sense of self back.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Environmentalists Enjoy Disasterbating

On Hannity & Colmes tonight, Dr. Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute implies that the environmentalists at CBS considered using stories about the Southern California fires as a means to advertise the series "Planet in Peril." Michaels referred to this action as "disaster baiting." At least I think that is what he said. For obvious reasons, I like the phrase.

Do you think Bush and Cheney every worked it like in "disasterbating" with Iraq?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Libro-Conservative Lovemaking

Here's the link. I suggest you read it for yourself before ....

Andrew Sullivan uses Glenn Greenwald to push his book. As has been intuited on many an ocassion beyond this blog, there is nothing as certain as "strange attractors'" ability to attempt to bind together that which seemingly could never, ever be tethered. But, apparently, such is now an endeavor.

Andrew is such the enigma. Not even the "pundidiot" (thanks nick) Chris Matthews can manifest such strange adherences. What is it that Greenwald serves up for endearing adoration?


"Sullivan was one of the very few conservatives who repudiated Bush and the Bush movement when Bush was still popular... The Conservative Soul highlights the true philosophical and psychological roots of the Bush movement - its first principles - and reveals just how rotted those fundamentalist roots are. "


Truth. Truth? It takes one to know one? One of the very few ...what...conservatives? Who realized the elected compassionate conservative Bush was....neither?

Wow. Thanks Greenwald. Thanks Andrew. Apparently liberal/progressive/loser/democrats (and the lonely Ron Paul paleo-) never really, really, really had an inkling of "the true philosophical and psychological roots of the Bush movement." NO! It took Andrew Sullivan to unearth, deconstruct, make known and manifest this "rotted" aspect of compassionate conservativism.

I just wonder about both Sullivan's and Greenwald's sympathy for the popular vote in 2000. Must have been an aberrant event?

Oh well. You do have to admire Andrew's and Glenn's ability to make money at genre?

Yeee Hawwww!

Barometers and Thermometers

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We'd Be Better Off If We All Were Christians.

Ann Coulter appeared on Donny Deutsch's show the other night and said that. No surprise. But, Donny seemed...surprised?? He said something to the effect of "I'm Jewish." Really? She basically said he needed to convert.

Ann Coulter is an anti-Semite?


Chris Matthews literally has been on TV for the past week--24/7--promoting his new book. Here's what he has had to say:

It's about listening!
It's about listening!
It's about listening!
It's about listening!
It's about listening!
It's about listening!
It's about listening!
It's about listening!

Ok. I'm going to die from the abundance of irony, which--ironically--I thought had died after 9-11.

But, this is the man who compared George W. Bush to Atticus Finch. help! arrrggggh.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Man, did jump into the fray or not?

Not really. Not unless you are a true believer. The presentation was orchestrated as expected. What is really ... not..funny is how predictable the whole show was.

As research clearly shows, the military academies are predominantly Republican in their political affiliations (just google the air force academy and fundamental christianity). And, the research also shows that moving up the ranks in the military correlates quite consistently with conservative personality orientations.

So, what is the big deal here?

All this is not really new. The research on conservative-liberal psychology shows consistently that the conservatives--for all their desire to merge with God--fear death. Should irony be so hard to understand? That which you want most in your unconscious becomes the reality of your consciousness? Heraclitus wrote as much during the ego's first awareness. Jung co-opted this insight into a psychology.

But, such observations are mere ephemeral correlates of the our former Fed. chairman has acknowledged. Oil is life.

It will take a while for this reality to seep into the consciousness of our society. Let us hope (hope? such an abstraction!). Oil is blood. In modernity. Christ, of course, was not a petroleum engineer.